Lunar phase increasing
meranti, beech, copper, medium, jute string
34.7 x 15.4 x 15.4 cm - 2015
In Lunar phase increasing, I build “a block”, a full geometrical shape, by the assembly of two different wood nature, and complementary shapes.
I approach by this means the notion of construction of the individual, based on external contributions, affinities or associations, which come to reorganize the original character.
Like the Moon and its cyclic phases of increase and decrease, the sculpture gives to see one moment solidified in an interval, an intermediate state between the primal unit of the human being and this plenary of his achievement.
An engraved copper base still supplements this geometric abstraction, while seeming a fertile ground, a compost, while evoking the battlefield on which the change takes place. The representation of the lunar ground which recovers it can then be connected with the anthropomorphic practice of the cartography, which one finds in particular in Opicino de Canistris's famous discussed codices (the handwritten Vaticanus latinus, 1337, & Palatinus latinus, 1350).